Quarantine Coloring Patterns

Courtesy of Better Day Books



Please enjoy these free patterns that have been specifically designed to provide some sense of comfort during a time of pandemic where we are physically isolated from one another. 

There is valid evidence to support the positive benefits of coloring, and we hope you will experience them while working through these designs. As you color, focus on slow rhythmic breathing. Select colors that are soothing to you. Allow the back-and-forth motion of filling-in the design to gently rock you into a peaceful state. You may be surprised at how something so seemingly simple can help. Creativity soothes the soul. 

Please share these patterns. Get together with your family or those with whom you are isolating and color together. Take photos of your work and share it on social media. Forward these patterns to a friend or family member so that they may also experience the benefits. It’s essential that we stay connected.  

 We wish you health, peace of mind, and better days ahead. 

(When posting your coloring, please be sure to tag us @better_day_books)


FORMAT: digital download

SIZE: 8.5” x 11”

PAGE COUNT: 8 pages, 5 patterns

ISBN: 0-7643-6095-7